I've been bombed

I received 142,832 messages, all ads. XX( I have turned off commenting.

Keep your eyes on www.027esc.com I will be moving over to there over the next couple of months.


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Got One Key, But Not *THE* Keys.

I got over to Ken's and picked up a baggy of keys for my new house. Yep, it's mine, officially and all that. But there was a problem...

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I'm Almost a Home Owner

I pulled my soon to be house up on the assessors website. I have a temporary title, dated 04/27/2009. However I do not have the keys. Although legally it's my house as of the 27th. Well, it belongs to a soon to be named bank... but it's mine!:>>:D:p:!::!::!:

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What! No Keys???

Ken thought I would pick up the keys on Friday at escrow. Escrow would not give me the keys when I asked for them. :roll: The sellers agent had removed her lock box... :roll: I was on my way to work, so I would have to get the keys tomorrow.

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Escrow Is In a Panic, They Want Me To Sign Today

I got a call from Ken, they can't seem to get a hold of me to sign the forms. All they had to do was call. Someone told me that I would not get the house until the number of papers I signed exceeded the square footage of the house. Now I'm glad I didn't get the mansion.

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I've Been Approved, but...

The first lender declined the loan. The broker had been working with another lender who approved the loan. All those papers that I signed back in March, had to be be signed all over, again. >:XX

More signatures... now where is that colonoscopy card???|-|

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